Friday, April 29, 2011

The Minogue Sisters

Anyone with any interest in electronic music has certainly heard of Kylie Minogue. But have you heard of her younger sister Dannii? Following in her big sister's footsteps, and sounding quite similar, which is not necessarly a bad thing, Dannii puts out a tune that is quite soothing for a Friday evening. Though the video visuals are on the cheesy side (is it me or do all female electronic vocalist videos look the same), the song is great.

And her older sister Kylie, with one of her best tunes. Poor girl has battled breast cancer but is still going strong and looking great for 42. I absolutely love her 2002 hit song "Love At First Sight" which she has said talks about falling in love with electronic music a DJ played and forever being hooked. Not so much different from my story falling in love with electronic music as a kid.

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